College Life Update - Nini Arshakuni, the GZAAT Alumna

October 23, 2019

On Monday, October 21, a meeting was held at the Donald Thomas Library with a graduate of the American Academy, Nini Arshakuni. In 2013, after completing the American Academy, Nini enrolled in Williams College, USA, where she earned a bachelor's degree in philosophy and psychology.

In 2017, Nini continued her studies for a Master's degree in International Relations at Harvard University, USA, with a specialization in “Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, focusing on "Domestic Political and Economic Processes of Oil and Gas Producers, Energy Strategies, Oil and Gas Industry, Financial Sector."

Nini shared her experience of living and learning abroad with current seniors of Academy and talked about possible challenges that international students face when studying abroad. 

We would like to thank Nini Arshakuni for the interesting meeting!

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