Vano Bidzia: The Supreme Hallway Master

January 25, 2024

Article by Keto Abashidze

Edited by Lizi Schierman

Source: GZAAT Gazette

Every school has a few people who go above and beyond what is required of them to improve the school's campus. For our school, such an individual is Vano Dvaladze, more commonly known as Vano Bidzia, the well-liked hallway monitor. Since Vano Bidzia has been employed by the school for many years, he is well-known to all members of the staff and faculty. Throughout class periods, he may be seen loitering in the halls, greeting students, and urging them to arrive at class on time. His pleasant presence in the halls contributes to the inviting and upbeat atmosphere of our school. 

As a much loved and respected part of our community at GZAAT, it is important and interesting to learn a few things about Vano’s background, who he is, and what he did before he came to this school and became known as the sweet man who is always in the hall to offer encouragement and advice.

Interestingly enough, his education spans several decades, before he started working in our school.  He was a principal at another school for many years and it is no surprise that he has had great experience working with children. It has always been his dream to work with children and do something where he could have regular contact with them. So it makes sense that he has always thought of himself as someone who must work in the field of education. Currently, he cannot even imagine himself having chosen an alternative career path. 

Along with his educational expertise, Vano Bidzia harbors a creative side. During his adolescence, he spent a great deal of time exploring his artistic nature. Often he wrote poems and spent his time carving out figures from wood. Some of his poems can be found in the school office, and anyone interested can easily check them out :) 

Behind Vano Bidzia’s friendly presence lies a challenging childhood. He grew up in Abkhazia, a part of Georgia that is occupied by Russia and has had to overcome significant difficulties over the past years. Despite being from Abkhazeti, Vano views Tbilisi as his second home. Ever since he was a boy, and throughout his childhood, he would spend his summers in Tbilisi. He loves the city as his own and has chosen to stay here throughout his later years. 

Vano found his way to the school through an advertisement offering a position at the school. He didn’t miss the opportunity and took up this chance. Lucky for us, he got hired and has been with the school ever since 2006, for 16 years. Ever since then, he has been making the school a better place.